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- 2007-1-20
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- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
外国诗人经典英文诗歌:失眠人的太阳 Sun of the sleepless! melancholy star!
7 @7 P: T/ c1 k1 Y; i 呵,失眠人的太阳!忧郁的星!7 t. h+ {, I1 c$ N6 S% E
Whose tearful beam glows tremulously far," H7 D% G6 c9 k h! m& P3 J
有如泪珠,你射来抖颤的光明; o* K5 R8 g2 q+ U
That show'st the darkness thou canst not dispel,
& ^% V1 P8 u8 k5 [! V/ E. F/ e0 ? 只不过显现你逐不开的幽暗,
& z+ I; Q f: N8 O* ` How like art thou to joy remember'd well!8 b+ B+ d! l* H$ ^2 I4 V9 c
你多么象欢乐追忆在心坎!4 d! }1 \, [3 W( S
So gleams the past, the light of other days,
/ n- I# b* I7 D3 e7 c) M “过去”,那往日的明辉也在闪烁,
3 D- R9 e8 c0 a8 \2 {; p% P8 k Which shines, but warms not with its powerless rays;
+ X6 x. h; _& i4 q- e! K 但它微弱的光却没有一丝热;5 Q8 e0 I" B- _
A night-beam Sorrow watcheth to behold,
" X) t# R, J# z “忧伤”尽在了望黑夜的一线光明,
% k' Y! V1 c) [# e0 a4 M Distinct but distant — clear — but, oh how cold!
: ^+ Q( b5 U' Z5 A% Y 它清晰,却遥远;灿烂,但多么寒冷!# U8 z, ^4 ]0 o* F5 _; ~
! j$ X' s. x6 |* |6 N