- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
外国名家经典英文诗歌:忽必烈汗 In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
* T7 ?" e2 w3 N; m% y 忽必列汗在上都曾经) y/ D# k$ P5 k& `. o% k
A stately pleasure-dome decree:6 ?& ]' y- V+ _) O ?2 B
下令造一座堂皇的安乐殿堂:6 w& V/ b6 r* q9 K
Where Alph, the sacrecl river, ran
& C8 ?' A) a: T# a# N# Q! f 这地方有圣河亚佛流奔,
. P& F" y) R$ v# N Through caverns measureless to man \' h$ N+ E$ {1 T
穿过深不可测的洞门,0 c8 ^8 c. X" n. f* }# ?
Down to a sunless sea.
0 t* O$ s! {) [0 L! T 直流入不见阳光的海洋。+ r. q+ i) S k2 t3 \* j/ i' M, E
So twice five miles of fertile ground
1 d; n8 Q9 @, V% h- ]: K4 j- X6 _ 有方圆五英里肥沃的土壤,2 w# q; K: u0 F$ j
With walls and towers were girdled round:
4 g& t7 V( c( ?2 i* t. u' ` 四周给围上楼塔和城墙: }( L7 F% C% V$ Z' I
And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, A- k! x, W4 d$ ?
那里有花园,蜿蜒的溪河在其间闪耀,; E6 v+ _9 W1 U
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
5 `& \- A6 r, U2 P( ^' y4 F 园里树枝上鲜花盛开,一片芬芳;# U% [9 _& S' u' U6 S9 {1 i
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
1 R- u' F1 k, T2 p 这里有森林,跟山峦同样古老,
/ F$ G" J1 K2 a* N, } Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.# S' Y* m3 T+ @) q, V- O3 a6 w2 ^
围住了洒满阳光的一块块青草草场。% Q2 `% ?9 C) W. }4 q' }$ n
But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted1 V1 C0 S8 e+ B
但是,啊!那深沉而奇异的巨壑,! n5 j' E8 Z/ M" i
Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!. J( [9 F; @' R G# ?, K
沿青山斜裂,横过伞盖的柏树! h6 f+ c- R2 R2 p2 v
A savage place! as holy and enchanted
( H5 k! i* f7 ~3 z e 野蛮的地方,既神圣而又着了魔
+ {2 K: z( t; a As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
( K- N) n/ c3 q# c3 z 好像有女人在衰落的月色里出没,/ P1 k( d6 }7 l+ s3 h
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!) P! g, y q q) C
为她的魔鬼情郎而凄声嚎哭!8 A2 l; W1 m5 L3 Z1 O0 L
And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,
o. N' b! e t; [" P/ t 巨壑下,不绝的喧嚣在沸腾汹涌,
$ W5 c1 I! V4 W As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,8 }( V' u$ b1 A' T! J0 ?, v6 {
7 S. b$ D+ }& Y2 z A mighty fountain momently was forced:3 f1 h {; Z0 w) x; q o
从这巨壑里,不断迸出股猛烈的地泉;8 B2 q9 S; w/ f0 T
Amid whose swift half- intermitted burst+ p0 u+ ]1 ]# r
在它那断时续的涌迸之间,5 ]. j2 A3 `+ H6 I6 F2 p
Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,6 @3 R7 n$ U$ m: [3 R) Q
巨大的石块飞跃着象反跳的冰雹,4 @ P1 k" t; ^; r
Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail:0 _" E0 C/ ^' U- @; V3 e
或者象打稻人连枷下一撮撮新稻;0 \; ?* }# O1 g4 z
And'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever* q9 z; y3 Z: v2 A! }
# N( a4 W% i$ F, a" g/ b5 ? It flung up momently the sacred river.
! ~ N. h- n7 O7 x3 ? 时时刻刻 迸发出那条神圣的溪河。
8 ^% b3 L% q/ i. m" o% h$ I1 t% ` Five miles meandering with a mazy motion$ G& Y" O& k% ]7 I3 {! O
) x. b5 d' ^4 M- V; |9 |$ ?/ n) z; s Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,8 D) g) L" q( }! M. d k1 H! B+ W
, d$ ~0 {. V1 V9 W$ f1 M! y; N Then reached the caverns measureless to man,
% n! M' p! c2 [4 ~7 n4 q) R% U 于是到达了深不可测的洞门," f2 S G# _: a
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean:: b' U' ~5 n* v7 ]8 L
在喧嚣中沉入了没有生命的海洋;# j) @) |9 a! ^7 B5 \# f5 f
And ‘mid this tumult Kubla heard from far: k/ k; k$ {; ]1 M
7 V" D3 `* ~5 `) u Y' P Ancestral voices prophesying war!/ O0 N* A: ^8 s9 p$ ~) ~
祖先的喊声预言着战争的凶兆!* n. n* \ D1 A2 V% S
The shadow of the dome of pleasure7 I9 ~$ E. [9 q0 e1 g
! c# h+ i6 w+ D( n) \ Floated midway on the waves;
% N* ^9 k0 S8 n' C( ? 宛在水波的中央漂动;! b' o6 h4 y- o
Where was heard the mingled measure& K+ V+ K( k8 @/ A0 m; J$ N2 K3 M
- j L4 y* f. Q8 S* J From the fountain and the caves.( N0 K& b ?& C8 F6 r" M5 M
( D& P, q, l+ ^ It was a miracle of rare device,
3 H j2 X' w& | 这是个奇迹呀,算得是稀有的技巧,
, B' y( d" N; u1 v- p" b. @ A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!% I. p' x: n2 O' J( R$ N2 o
* W# v3 V5 W4 l" G( ?4 L, ~ A damsel with a dulcimer/ O- R" w) `# u& m6 N' x
连同那雪窟冰窖!0 z; @% x9 _$ @- P m
In a vision once I saw:
" q1 j+ S4 T* x% Y 有一回我在幻象中见到,
3 @+ }" x/ ]: V6 f0 c It was an Abyssinian maid,
+ L, ]3 {- J9 ]1 |8 ]' K 那是个阿比西尼亚少女,# n- N- P8 Q; O# e6 C$ z5 m$ U
And on her dulcimer she played,* W1 k/ y) a% H6 G: p4 D
2 p6 B; z7 y5 m3 ]& A Singing of Mount Abora.
, ^. B5 g& M' K3 y+ O& g 歌唱着阿伯若山。6 L, q( r7 T( m2 ^# u# e
Could I revive within me
2 P m% {, V# R- i 如果我心中能再度产生( ~, d4 F( V# V* p
Her symphony and song,
. y& m a0 Y z7 b2 e2 L 她的音乐和歌唱,
* t( O) Z! G/ S( F( a To such a deep delight ‘twould wiff me,
. i5 w. L* Y/ } 我将被引入如此深切的欢欣,/ P: M% b8 U- p, m. i! H7 I
That with music loud and long,) t' {3 H& \+ e4 ^9 s
以至于我要用音乐高朗而又长久' G% O, K. x+ z- z" a5 _3 z( X
I would build that dome in air,3 p& @- I4 I# H9 x+ g
在空中建造那安乐宫廷,6 G% F' Q! l" K1 }" u
That sunny dome! those caves of ice!
7 J! S& K* H$ H9 W% F" K3 x7 Z% g 阳光照临的宫廷,那雪窟冰窖!9 ~) m. K) P. \6 f
And all who heard should see them there,
! s4 C9 f0 J# l1 J s 那谁都能见到这宫殿,* ^$ n- @- A, Q/ g8 v+ }
And all should cry, “Beware! Beware!* f# t/ x$ Y0 b
只要听见了乐音。 他们全都会喊叫:当心!当心!
" Y M; b- q. A% e0 f% N0 @ {7 [ His flashing eyes, his floating hair!
0 \0 W) C; m9 Q4 ]/ t9 P7 k 他飘动的头发,他闪光的眼睛!2 R% }/ Q. a4 }" E. j( m2 U
Weave a circle round himthrice,4 Q7 ~: N# C) R* j; a% m P1 c1 g
7 c% w; e* H9 K- a And close your eyes with holy dread,4 }; k2 M; P( m# r4 A$ S
0 b( R; `* }/ I For he on honey-dew hath fed,
4 V+ |6 u+ H) ^8 ^ 因为他一直吃着蜜样甘露,3 f$ u' p/ }; G3 b2 P6 r
And drunk the milk of Paradise.
0 _3 Z4 [2 c* P1 i. Q 一直饮着天堂的琼浆仙乳。* [+ o" z* ]) A1 A8 F